Mar 16, 2009

Shamrock Shakes!

When I was a child we waited all year for the month of March.
Not because we wanted to get busy in the garden.
Not because it was time for Spring Break.
We longed for March because March is the month of the Shamrock Shake!

All McDonalds restaurants served Shamrock Shakes during the month of March.
It was green.
It was minty.
It was refreshing.
Its kinda like a Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie. except, its cold, green and you can suck it through a straw!!
Whats NOT to love???

I'm not usually a fan of mint drinks.
But I just have to have a Shamrock Shake every March!

Did you know that I have not had a Shamrock Shake in almost 10 years????
I know!! It's almost unbelievable!!
Well, it turns out that very few McDonalds in Texas carry it!
This year, I was bound and determined to find one.
I called more than 45 Houston area McDonalds to no avail.
Most of the employees who answered my phone call didn't even know what a Shamrock Shake was!!

I even called the McDonalds cooperate headquarters!
I mean.. they have to know who they shipped the Shamrock Shake stuff to right?
They couldn't tell me!

Whats a girl to do?
Make her own Shamrock Shake thats what!!

Dana's Shamrock Shake copy-cat!

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!

Yum, slurp, groan!
By George!! I think I got it!!

Dana's "I don't need no stinkin McDonalds!"
Shamrock Shake

  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 1/4 - 1/2 Teaspoon Mint extract
  • 9 drops green food coloring
Optional pretty stuff
  • chocolate syrup (optional glass decoration)
  • whipped cream (optional topping)
  • green sugar (optional decoration)
  1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth and yummy.
  2. drizzle some chocolate syrup around your glass.
  3. Pour Shamrock Shake into the glass.
  4. top with whipped cream and green sugar.
  5. ENJOY!!
Happy St Patrick's Day!!

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  1. I always complain that i can't get this year round but not getting it at all is crazy!! Thank you so much!


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